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Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Can Change Your Outcome by Changing Your Input

A very wise expression about life tells us that:  “You can't change your outcome, without changing your input.”  This statement is true on so many levels.  Primarily because the things we strive to accomplish in life will never succeed without the proper motivation.  Motivation, drive, determination; this is the stuff that success is made of, and it all comes from what we take in, or input.  So the million dollar question to ask yourself is:  “What are you inputing and how can you change it?”

Negative Input
Negative input will rarely (if ever) result in positive output.  This is an important point to remember, especially when it comes to things like self-talk and the way we view ourselves.  It’s no secret that we humans are very complex beings.  There are many facets to who we are and how others tend to see us, not to mention how we see ourselves.  Receiving and accepting negative input about one’s self is counterproductive to your personal growth.  This is true whether the negativity comes from outside sources or from the things you tell yourself.  For instance, consider how the way you view your body image is directly related to your negative or positive input.

Body Image
How do you see yourself when it comes to your body image?  Do you think you’re too fat and are constantly striving to lose weight?  Maybe you’re just the opposite.  You feel like you’re too skinny and you long to put on more weight?  If you are tall, do you want to be short?  Short and want to be tall?  If your eyes are green, you may wish to goodness that they were brown; and on and on and on.  This type of dissatisfaction is common to most people and usually due to the same reasons:

* We are influenced by society’s idea of beauty
* We are influenced by the media’s view of beauty
* We are influenced by our “learned” view of beauty (family/background)

Regardless of the reasons that we are feeding ourselves a negative body image, the result will be the same; a less than healthy view of ourselves.  But this does not have to remain the case.  Once we discover where the negative programming about body image is coming from, we can start to turn things around.  We can start to use positive input.

Positive Input
When it comes to positive input, this can be just as influential as negative input, if we allow it.  You first have to understand that it is okay to build yourself up.  Learning to do this may not be easy for some people, but it can come in time and with experience.  Don’t expect to change overnight, especially if you’ve been feeding on negative input for a long time.  Whatever we look like, the tendency is to want to look like something or someone else.  It’s really just human nature. 

It takes a long time for us to reach the point of maturity where we are finally comfortable with the way we are.  For most people, as we get older, the body image that we have of ourselves starts to improve.  This is not necessarily due to a change in our actual body, just in the image that we have of ourselves.  We learn to become more tolerant and accepting of our own shortcomings.  Then, and only then, can we truly appreciate our good points and the things we actually like about ourselves. 

Changing your Output
While it is good to know that maturity brings on a welcome change, does that mean we have to wait until our twilight years before appreciating who we are?  Not at all!  We can start switching from negative to positive input right now, especially when we acknowledge the following three points:
* Most people see us in a better light than we see ourselves
* The more you love yourself and your body, the more others will too
* It is never too late to change the things that are actually “changeable” about your body

When it comes to negative and positive input, the rules are the same, whether the issue is body image, personal goals, career objectives, or anything else.  Regardless of what you want to accomplish in life, and ever hope to achieve; motivation is what will get you results.  Positive input will help you to keep refueling so you always have an endless supply of motivation.  As a result, all that positive input will turn into positive output; the kind that can truly change your life.


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